My Summer Solstice Celebrations
This photo was captured a few years ago when my daughter Yin and I went to a Swedish Midsummer celebration in London, UK.
What is the Summer Solstice?
The word ‘Solstice’ comes from the Latin words Sol+systere, meaning ‘Sun’ + ‘Standing still.’ The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere), when the sun is highest up in the sky and closest to earth, officially marking the first day of summer. Following this Solstice, the days get shorter, the nights longer. It’s a day to honour the light within and outside of us, to nourish the seeds sown in spring time. The traditions and rituals of celebrating the cycles of the sun, our seasons and connection to nature has it's roots in cultures all over the world. This fierce, invigorating sun energy can help spark our inner fire and passion, laying the grounds for a fruitful and inspiring forward momentum. Journaling at this time can help us reflect deeper within ourselves,. Asking what you appreciate in yourself, your life and what cultivates your inner fire are questions that could be helpful to ask.
“There are times to grow, times to pause, times to shed and times to learn.”
Nature’s wisdom
I love the wisdom we can receive from observing and tuning into nature! It's unnatural and non-sustainable to live in 'summer-mood' all the time. Constantly doing things without pausing. It's neither healthy to stay in 'winter' for a long period of time, as being too inward can stop us from enjoying what life has to gift us. Having more awareness of the natural cycle’s of nature and how we can live in harmony with it can help us live more fulfilling and balanced lives.
My Summer Solstice Celebration
I took my daughter Yin to a Daughter & Mother Day Rites of Passage Solstice celebration last week with a woman called Jill Kettle. We had time with other mother and daughters and explored what it means to be a girl growing into womanhood. They got to learn about how our menstrual cycle reflects the cycles in nature, and we talked about self-value and purpose. I highly recommend Jill’s offerings. I created a gorgeous drum in a Shamanic Drum birthing ceremony a few years ago with her. It was a rich experience to have together. Over the past weekend I also got to journey with 40+ people as we sat and prayed around a fire. Deep heartfelt prayers of speaking our hearts and souls truth.
The Power of Changing Perspective
Even though I didn't get to celebrate the Summer Solstice how I would've ideally done it yesterday morning, I had a day of enjoying the feeling of my inner sun being nourished by having a lovely family dinner. I also get to celebrate with my partner Carl and a beautiful couple this coming weekend. Sometimes we can get stuck in a perspective that brings us down. Through writing or talking to someone it can help us re-activate our inner sun. Like it did for me today.
I'm left with an expansive feeling of gratefulness in my heart today. I realised that I was able to celebrate this beautiful moment of time with my daughter, by myself in community and with my partner and friends. It was powerful to notice the shift in perspective and how different it made me feel.
I'm grateful to be alive, to have a loving Swedish and Korean family (I was adopted at 1,5 years old), my own family, a home by the sea, beautiful friends, a wonderful community and a job that doesn’t feel like work - a purpose that fills my heart with nourishment and sparks my soul!
What are you grateful for?
It's a great time during the energy of the Summer Solstice, the half point of the year, to take some time to reflect on what we appreciate in our lives.
Sending love to all my family and friends. I love and appreciate you all!