Winter Solstice Decree

I honour the darkness within me as I look upon the darkness outside my human container.

I see the light shining through the darkest nights, leading the way home.

My home is a place my heart beats for, with the rhythms of the world around me.

I fear not, I fear, I fear not, I fear.

I see the darkness surrounding me and I feel fear.

I close my eyes and my heart opens, letting the light in.

I smile in the darkness as truth arrives as sparks of energy moving through my body.

I welcome you fear, and see that you too are a part of me. As I welcome you, I feel warmth, I see light.

Light illuminates the truth that was hidden in plain sight.

I can see now.

I feel the truth that was long forgotten but always there.

I let go, I surrender, I can finally trust in the wind, water, fire, earth and ether.

My body holds the keys to unlock my soul.

My soul is smiling with me right now and so is my heart. ❤


Photo - Summer Solstice Ceremony in Wales 2019.


I'm proud to be a woman.